Food – Studio

Food Photography and Studio photography is highly detailed work. Capture the essence of your creation in the best possible light.

Studio Photography

Studio Photography requires an understanding of the parameters of what the best result will be, having an end vision before you start. It also requires experimentation, patience, carefully considered lighting and the ability to source and use props. Still life is often done at a company’s premises or in a studio. It can involve macro photography of tiny items of jewellery or up to large industrial devices the size of a fridge or even a car, and in some cases can involve people.

It always involves skill, vision and patience.

Food Photography

Food photography can be relatively casual for editorial and restaurants to completely elaborate set-ups for packaging and advertising. It can be done as part of hotel photography, where rooms and premises are photographed on the same shoot. As with Studio Photography it is always best to work with a detailed brief.

Contact Us for more details.

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