ireland based professional photography architectural johnjordanphotography

Professional Photography of Irish Locations

Professional Photography A selection from a professional photography job that I did for a Northern Irish company based in Larne, Co. Antrim which supplies render adhesive to the building trade. It involved travelling all over Ireland over a period of a

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dublin area commercial business photographer johnjordanphotography

Large than life :: Still Life Photography

Still Life Photography I was asked to do still life photography for this large scale gate on location at the premises of Bushy Park Iron Works in Dublin. The photography was completed on a Saturday when the foundry was a

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dublin based corporate portrait photography johnjordanphotography

How to engineer quality portrait photography in Dublin

Last week I did a bit of portrait photography in Dublin for a large international engineering firm, BalfourBeatty at their Ireland HQ. They’re involved in building roads, railway stations, utilities infrastructure and commercial property in Ireland and around the world.

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